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Our Farm Crew

"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another." John 13:34 NIV

Matthew Maker

Yoga Instructor

Goat yoga has opened my eyes to a new way of flowing through exercise, being able to receive active therapy while you are exercising and moving at the same time.


Opening up my heart, mind and arms to all curious about stepping onto the mat with the goats. Smile away and let the stress float away!

Dominic DiNardi


I've always enjoyed capturing fun and special moments with a camera. I've shot all types of scenes in my career, such as sports, cars and goats!! I've been working with cameras and videography for 2 1/2 years now and I am still focusing on improving my skills and love of capturing moments. 


Feel free to follow me on Instagram!


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Hannah Griffin

Farm Hand

Hello! My name is Hannah and I am one of the farm helpers for Sol Meadows! I am Zach and Ashleigh's sister and one of the crew members for goat yoga.


Let me tell ya, it is something you want check off on your bucket list! The atmosphere and people are so fun to work with. Who wouldn't wanna meditate and snuggle some cute goats?

Kimberly Griffin

Farm Hand

Hello, my name is Kim AKA Mimi! I am blessed to be a part of Sol Meadows along with being a Mimi to all the loving farm animals.


Goat yoga is something that everyone should try! It is so sweet to see the smiles that goat yoga brings to everyone's faces!

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